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  • Management of Dangerous Goods Containers

    2022-06-28 13:51:35
    For any dangerous goods entering or leaving through the terminal (except for Category 6 and 8 non-refrigerated dangerous goods listed in the International Dangerous Regulations), the owner, shipping company or its agent must declare to the port in advance, and the ship can only carry it after obtaining the consent. The "Declaration for the Safety of Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods Containers" shall be processed, and the ship can be loaded and unloaded only after approval.
  • What are the custom styles of Prefab House Container?

    2022-06-27 14:04:01
    Container prefab is a container house that can be transported, installed and dismantled, and moved on site. By transforming and equipping large containers with infrastructure, installing doors and windows, it can also provide simple living functions. At the same time, in addition to living, the prefab must also take into account safety and convenience. So what are the common styles of custom-made container prefabs?
  • Self Dumping Trash Hopper escort low-carbon and environmentally friendly lifestyles

    2022-06-26 14:20:41
    In order to meet the needs of work scenarios, garbage trucks for various purposes have emerged one after another. Coupled with the advocacy of low-carbon and environmentally friendly lifestyles, the new energy industry has developed rapidly. What I want to introduce to you today is a pure electric Steel Dump Hopper. This garbage truck is a brand-new "Heavy Duty Self Dumping Bins" created by our company in response to the national new energy policy and to meet the market demand for new energy products.
  • Self Dumping Hoppers garbage trucks already have the following mature features

    2022-06-26 14:12:27
    Environmental protection of Self Dumping Forklift Hopper : the use of a fully enclosed box with a closed back door, sealed transportation of garbage, eliminates the phenomenon of garbage and sewage leaking along the way, and avoids secondary pollution during transportation;
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